Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Warm Apple Pie

So, today I got a forward that I just have to share. Kinda funny, but nice and short. Here it is:

Living Will

Last night, my wife and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." She got up, unplugged the TV and then threw out my beer. Bitch...


He he. Pretty good, eh? So very true. Glad I'm not attached to one of those. Yet. In fact, I plan to avoid that fate if I can. Anyways, I'm going to continue on in my ramblings.

I'm lonely. My guy has been gone for only a couple of days, but I really miss him. I guess that's what happens when you've been with a guy for 2-1/2 years. You get used to his presence. Worst part is, I won't see him for any length of time until there's snow on the ground permanently. That will be at least 2 months from now. Probably longer. Great. I'm going to go insane. Rocking back and forth in the corner crazy. Well, at least he doesn't need to worry too much about me cheating on him. My classmates at college are going to be geeks. I've seen some of them, and, believe me, they're not worth a second glance. I'm told there's only going to be one or two other females in the entire course. Oh dear. I don't want to be eye candy for a room full of drooling geeks! Eeee!!!!!!

Oh well. Can't be any worse than some of the creepy old men around here. They often have a habit of staring at me. And there's also those creepy guys that try to pick me up everytime I'm in the bar and Pete wanders off on me. I've learned to high tail it to the nearest guy that I know when he does that, because otherwise I practically have to beat them off with a stick. Which is not fun, by the way. When I say I have a man, I mean it! I'm not interested! Shoo! Yea, that's a pet peeve of mine. Guys that don't take no for an answer. I'm not playing hard to get, I've got someone to take care of my needs. Even if he doesn't always, I've learned to live with that. At least until he comes back from work.

Ah, yes. When Pete gets back from work, he'll be sorry he left. I've got lots of time to plan. But anyways, I believe I should get to bed. Its 11:30pm, and last night I was up till 2am, thinking. Can barely keep my eyes open. Gotta remember to go to town, have to give my friend a cheque so she can mail our rent out. Hoping I see Matt along the way. He's great inspiration for my blogs.

Sorry, Jason, for not having anything fun to write. Maybe tomorrow ;)


Anonymous said...

Haha, you're going to have a lot of geeks drooling all over you. :-P

Teralee said...

Thanks for your concern. It is greatly appreciated. :p