Monday, August 28, 2006

New Idea for this bad boy...

Well, I've been thinking, and I've decided this will be quite a bit fictional. Based on my life, yes, but mostly what could have happened, not entirely what happened.
*Disclaimer*- May contain bad stuff that little children shouldn't read. If you're not an adult, you're not supposed to read what follows. You've been warned.

Friday I washed and cleaned out my car. Took me 10 hours to do, but it certainly looked nice. Waxed and shone up everything. It was great. That night my bf and I went to town so he could drink with his buddies. Bad idea. He ditched me to go outside, and when I finally got finished with waiting for him to show, I went and found him. Smoking. When he'd promised 2 years ago he'd quit for good. I'd been denying the evidence for a long time, but everytime he drinks, he smokes. Usually does a fair decent job of covering up, but this time I caught him red handed. Twice.
Well, you can imagine how angry I was with him. I went and talked to a couple of guys that I'd seen around till closing. On the way home, he puked on my car. All over it, in fact. I had to use a strong cleaner to get it off, soap and brush at the carwash didn't work. Ruined the wax finish. I could've killed him. So he's getting a new exhaust system put on my car. From his pocket. He's still lucky I can't stay mad at him.
You remember the guy I mentioned last post? Well, I talked to him that night briefly. His woman was there, so we couldn't exactly talk- she won't let him talk to other females. He said he might call me before I left town. God, is he ever hot. Totally drool worthy. And nice. Wouldn't do anything if he didn't have your permission. And she cheats on him. Bad. If she's drunk and he's not there, he's being cheated on. He's got the same label, but he says he's not like that, although he has cheated on her once.
Well, my bf just got home from work. I'll post again tomorrow, with something interesting. Something naughty I did today. You'll find out. Strangest part is, even though I should, I don't feel guilty about this. Well, you'll see.

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