Tuesday, December 19, 2006


It's nice to see I have one faithful reader. It's exam week once again, I've written two already. Really hope I passed the one today, because I need that course to be able to take the next semester. Haven't done much Christmas shopping, only bought one present so far. Not such a good thing. Oh well. Probably do a whole bunch tomorrow.
Met the people upstairs last night. Well, two of them. Not bad, if I do say so myself. They're all gamers, so I will have someone to spend time with. Apparently they've got four computers, three surround sound systems, a ps2, xbox 360, a very large tv in the living room, and the one guy is considering putting a 30-something inch flatscreen in his room. On top of that, the one guy dl's movies etc. all the time, and has over 400 movies, all recent releases, but out of the 4 dvd movies I have, he actually doesn't have one and wants to borrow it! Still, sounds like I've found my new best friends, lol.
Random picture for you to print out and colour:

Why? Because I can. I printed it out, you should too.

Oh yea, random favorite site of the moment? Pandora (Pandora.com)
Just enter in a favorite band or song, and it finds more like it for you and plays them! Want to listen to what I've been listening to? Enter "Hinder" and enjoy. Right now I'm listening to Falls Apart by Hurt. Decent song.
Just managed to spill nail polish all over the keyboard. That took some cleaning, but at least it came off. Not recommended, though. Nail polish remover kind of ruins the finish on keyboards. Oh well, the bf wanted a new one anyways. Oh yes, we got a new mouse, a wireless logitech mouse. It's got volume controls and mail and messenger buttons, too.
Well, I'm off to clean the apartment and do some studying. There's another exam tomorrow, and Pete and his bro Will are gonna be coming in some time tomorrow. Gotta get this place in decent shape by then. Can hardly wait for tomorrow when they get here though. Getting kind of impatient. Well, gotta get that cleaning done. I'll be back eventually.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hmmm, I may just have to print it, color it, and rescan it so I can send it back to you. :-P I haven't colored anything in years.....