Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's Coming....

No, I'm not talking about some freaky porn movie. September. It's almost here. My lease on my apartment runs out at the end of this month, so I've got very little time to get outta there, as my bf uses my car to get to work every day, and I'm stranded here. I get weekends free, but that only leaves two weekends to be out. That's a lot to do in four days. Oh, and my bf has gotten into a course, but it starts on the 27th of this month, and he doesn't have a place to stay yet. It's going to be interesting to say the least.
Last weekend my best friend and I went into the city, supposedly to get some packing done, but we ended up hanging out with Derek at work for a couple of hours instead. Oops. It was fun though. She's only out for another week, but this weekend we're supposed to be going into the city again, and hang out with Sam. Turns out Sam is going to a tattoo school in MI, her classes start next month, so this will be the last opportunity to go out and have fun till who knows when.
In any case, life sounds like it's going to be interesting for the next little while. I have to find an apartment or place to stay for my boyfriend, or he'll end up staying in his truck or something, and I have a lot of moving to do. Oh well. I'll update you when I get around to it. Until then, have fun without me.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Glad to see you're still alive and kicking on Blogger. Too bad you have such a hort amount of time to pack up and move.