Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Attempt Number Two...

Well, yesterday I tried to put a post up. Didn't work so well. Every time I tried, my internets died. I gave up, figured I'd do it later. So here it goes.
(Yay tab is working today!) So turns out the bf was given the wrong date. We don't have to get him to school until the fourth of September. Another good thing, the landlady has allowed us to keep our apartment on a monthly basis, so no more leases for us! Michelle said it would be fine for us to stay there for the time that Pete is going to school, but that we were to check with her boyfriend first. Well, even if he says no, it is my name on the contract, and it is my half of a security deposit, so if push comes to shove, we'll have a place regardless. I doubt it will come to that, though.
Life, on the whole, isn't going too terribly. Didn't get to hang with Sam the other weekend, but my best friend and I had a lot of fun that night. Sam was wanting to live with me again. I'm gonna feel it out, see if she's truly become more responsible, or if she's still as bad as she used to be. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay on in the city after Pete finishes his schooling, as long as I can make it home on weekends or something.
I've managed to get a little internet time in here and there, and I happened to stumble upon this article located here. Take a look. Are you capable of joining the ranks of the elite few true ninjas?

Just a sub note, FoxyTunes (a nifty Firefox add-on) has added this little thing where i can show what I'm listening to... I'll be giving it a try. Maybe remember to do it every time, maybe not.

Now playing: AC--DC - Hard As A Rock
via FoxyTunes

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