Monday, November 26, 2007

I know...

I've been missing for ages. It's ok, I'm back now. For a while at least. I've settled in at my dad's, attempted to get a job, and all that fun. I've brought my computer with me, set up my own little network with the two computers. Need to find some game or other that we can play on the LAN, not sure what that will be yet. Maybe Company of Heroes.
That, by the way, is a great game. I'm tempted to stop writing this and play it instead. Seriously, it is that good. They've done some major work on it, with the latest patch, they've completely changed it. New version of it too. Going to have to buy that the moment I get the chance.
Now, you're probably wondering exactly what I've been up to. Well, I'm afraid that I've been rather busy. In fact, to write it all would take longer than I'm feeling like writing, and would be longer than you'd want to read. Let's just say I've been up to no good, as per usual, and leave it at that. Maybe later on I'll mention a few things, but for now, I have dinner and a game calling my name...

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