Monday, February 12, 2007

So here's an idea...

Well, I didn't get around to posting last Thursday. Went to the bar as planned, a lot of friends were there. Got there early enough to get a pool table. Kept it for around 2 hours. Then some guys that totally outmatched me in my inebriated state got it. Played on for a while longer with random pplz that I knew from one place or another. Got talking with a good lookin' cowboy type who happened to be ridiculously good at pool. Turns out he roommates with a guy I've known since like... Kindergarten. Maybe earlier.
My cousin Sam (whose 18th I attended to last November) was there. And drunk. Very drunk. She told me all of my friends were really hot, I guess all the guys that I said hi to when we were talking were the good looking ones. Lol. She ended up making out with good looking cowboy type for quite some time. Was pretty funny. At that point, I left her and hung out with my friend Steve till close, mostly cuz his friends had all gone awol at that point.
Other than that, not much else happened that night. Pete and his friend came here for the weekend. Got us another game, Need for Speed- Most Wanted. Haven't played it yet, but Pete and his buddy liked it.

Anyways, back to the original reason I wandered over here. This is something i pulled off of some site or another, found in my aimless wanderings of the internet. Something to consider doing if someone beside you on the plane or train is really annoying you. Only to be attempted if you want to be arrested, of course.

1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop.
3. Boot it.
4. Make sure the person who won’t leave you alone can see the screen.
5. Open your web browser to this page.
6. Close your eyes and tilt your head up to the sky.
7. Then hit this link:

1 comment:

Jason said...

LMAO!! One of my friends just emailed this to me the other day.