Friday, November 17, 2006


Well, it's been exactly a week since I last posted. Getting lax in my duties. Pete finished work on Wednesday. Came here yesterday. He's done for the season now, so I don't know what's going on. Guess he'll likely get himself a job.
Well, we went to Houston's again last night. It was Pete, Michelle, and I to begin with, because Paul had a hockey game, which he apparently lost. It was pretty dead in there because ACC was having a social for one of the sports teams at the Roadhouse, which was fine with me, because that meant we could get a table. I was playing pretty good, but Pete lost interest in pool after only a couple of games. Caused us to lose. I was pretty miffed.
After we'd been there for a while, short dude Daniel or whatever his name is showed up. Convinced him to play with us. Pete got tired of us pool players and wandered off to a friend of his and spent the rest of the night away from us. Soon as Daniel showed, I started playing terribly. He's most certainly not a good luck person for me. He's pretty decent at pool though, so I guess I've got a partner if I ever need one and he's at the bar.
Well, at around 2 we decided to head home... I wandered away from Pete to say bye to Daniel, who was at the balcony at the time. Possibly may see him next week, if he has money, as he said. When I got back, Pete was not pleased. Apparently I'm not allowed to talk to guys anymore. I think this was mostly just cuz Pete was drunk, and when he's drunk, he's unreasonably jealous of everything.
When we got home, he broke the door right off the door frame accidentally. Then he proceeded to pick a fight with me. According to him, I'm going to be just like my mother. I'm also going to cheat on him with pretty much every single one of my guy friends, also many strangers, and quite possibly even have someone else's kid, because it's in my blood, and because I'm female. You can imagine how pleased I was with him. Well, he just finished his movie, so he'll be coming in here right away, so I may as well finish this off. I'd be in a little trouble if he ever read my blog, I'm thinking.

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